With 15 years of experience in veterinary practice, I am passionate about cytology and committed to providing remote diagnostic opinions on cytology samples with accuracy and care.

Cytovet’s aim is to make your life as a veterinary professional easier. We all know that there is limited time in the day to spend examining slides. Rather than sending a sample to a main laboratory - a cost that is prohibitive to many clients - I offer well-priced, fast results on first opinion lumps and fluids that you are struggling to diagnose, or wish to outsource for another opinion. As a fellow veterinary professional I also offer uniquely annotated photos and comments with my report to help vets and nurses gain essential microscope skills. Send me samples as an individual vet or nurse for your own interest or learning purposes, or contact me to discuss group discounts, sending multiple images or samples from your practice.

I offer 3 different packages:


Bronze £18

3-5d turnaround

Maximum 6 photos

Taken a sample in clinic but don’t have time to examine it or unsure what those little purple blobs are? Take some photos with your smart phone and send them over to me for interpretation. Get a report back within 5 days.

NB: see further information section for info on how to take pics

Silver £25

3-5d turnaround

Maximum 6 photos

Want to understand what those blobs are and how to interpret them yourself next time? Send some photos of your slide to me for interpretation and get a report back with annotated photographs of your slides and details of why those cells are what I think they are.

NB: see further information section for info on how to take pics

Gold £35

7-10d turnaround

Maximum 6 slides

Taken a sample but don’t have time to look at it? Want to learn more about cytology? Send me your diff quicked slides in the post to the address at the bottom of the website. I will reply with a cytology report including annotated photos of your slides and details of why those cells are what I think they are.

NB: Slides can be sent stained or unstained and must be labelled in pencil.